संपर्क करें

संपर्क में रहो

For users in all regions of the world, if they want to achieve barrier-free communication and social interaction, Flala can meet the needs of these users. Unlike other platforms, Flala's green and healthy friendship model can develop more sustainably and long-term, and is in line with the company's "serving the world", The vision and mission of "Happy Family" help users gain social fun.
  • कमरा 1801, झोंगक्सिंग होटल (कियानहाई हॉप इंटरनेशनल), नंबर 19, ज़िंगहुआ 1 रोड (विस्तारित खंड), हैवांग समुदाय, ज़िनआन स्ट्रीट, बाओआन जिला, शेन्ज़ेन
  • +86 13428985701
  • mis01@szysh.net

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